Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bloom Where You Are Planted

I'm going to borrow the phrase "Bloom Where You Are Planted" as my new motto, for awhile. I've been reading the book on moving that my new friend, Amy, gave me, and it has been very helpful! It must be good advice, because my SIL's mother also told me the same thing. Not in those same words, but the message was the same. She has also moved probably a dozen times, so "blooming where she has been planted" has become her life. She told me that I may need to go out there "and look for it" but if I was determined enough, I would find it. Just before Christmas she sent me a package of my favorite Canadian coffee-Tims!! (one of her moves had previously planted her in Canada)... How sweet and thoughtful of her!!

I do like it here and know that given a little time, I will start to think of it as "Home." It would just be so much easier, if our house in KS would sell, so that we could buy one here and start putting down roots. Even Liam says "when we get our real house." In the book the author talks about one of her MANY moves from Atlanta to Phoenix and taking 18 months for their house to sell. They were saddled with TWO house payments for almost 18 months ... I keep reminding myself that not everything in life should come easily ... And there will come a day when I'll be able to look back on this part of our life and chuckle .... We really have so much to be thankful for, and just think how much more we'll appreciate our new home when we do finally
move in ...and I'll be sure to pass along a book on moving,or a box of coffee, to any old or new friends who are "Blooming where they are planted"

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