Friday, February 3, 2012

Diaperless Bags

I am diaper bag FREE! I feel liberated and a couple of pounds lighter! For 5.5 years a diaper bag was my companion. The next best thing to a BFF. I did make the transition from a traditional diaper bag to a more fashionable tote/bag a couple of years ago, but the contents remained the same. My tote, or bag, was full of extra undies, socks, snacks, drinks & hot wheels. Because, let's face it, mother's of boys are required to carry around various types of wheels--you know, in case of a Hot Wheel emergency!

My new VB Hipster in Night and Day.

Today, I'm sporting a more trendy Vera Bradley Hipster! A Christmas present to myself. I love the versatility of the hipster, and honestly, I totally dig the hipster name! Yes, I realize that using the words "hip" and "dig" date me ... but, that's OK, I'm predisposed to this type of language. I can't help it. I don't want to help it. I'm the product of a late 1960's love making session, baby! So, really, I am just staying true to my conceptual roots. And now I'm bopping around, in my chair, with the lyrics to Bob Seger's "Night Moves" going on in my head.

My bag may be "diaper free" but I still have preschool boys and sometimes I need my hands free to help with various things, so the hipster really works. I realize that other moms are more into Coach bags and such, but there is something about the Vera Bradley line that really speaks to me. Just a ringing endorsement there, not paid!

But, whatever the label on my bag, I'm just glad to have it free of diapers ... and fruit snacks and little boy undies. Of course, if I dig deep enough, I'm sure I'll still come across a Hot Wheel or two ... maybe I'm not totally ready to have a bag all of my own .. maybe hot-wheel-free bags aren't "all that."

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