Friday, February 3, 2012

Hot Sudsy Laundry Confessions

It's crazy, I know, but I need to profess how much I love, love, love my fancy new washer and dryer. I can't even seem to put it into words. I rub them down, shine them up .. stop to admire them. The best looking set of twins EVER! I should mention, this is my first new set of laundry machines that I've owned. All the ones before this were previously owned. Sloppy seconds or maybe even thirds. So, the shiny newness of these two have me weak at the knees. It may even have something to do with the six, excruciatingly long months I spent at the laundromat, while we were living in the apartment, after first moving here.

Bill, being the trooper (or sucker) that he is, went with me for the first few trips to the laundromat. I felt so out of place, and I even said to him, with tears stinging my eyes, "I don't belong in the laundromat." He just chuckled and said, "No one does, honey." Then went on to tell me how even though the laundromat sucked, there was something to be said for how fast you could get it all done. Six washers going, then six dyers .. and then viola .. 1.5 hours later you have your week's laundry done. I just rolled my eyes .. what part of "I DON'T BELONG IN THE DAMN LAUNDROMAT" didn't he get????

I felt completely overwhelmed, and not just because of the mountain of laundry that we had to haul in there, but the washers were all front loaders, so I couldn't tell the washers from the dryers. I wasn't exactly sure how, or where, to add the detergent .. or the coins. Then if the place was busy there was the jockeying for a folding table .. oh the madness of it all! I was truly in laundry HELL.

After six months of renting here in Knoxville, our house back in KS sold, so we were able to buy a house here. Oh yes, you can bet that I was counting the number of weeks I had left at the laundromat. Finally, two weeks before we were set to close on our new house, we went shopping for a new washer and dryer. I have never been so excited over laundry machines in my life. Of course, I went over board on the purchase, but heck after enduring the laundromat for 6 months I more than deserved the fancy schmancy set! At least that's what I kept telling myself, and Bill let me have my pick.
Matching Dryer

 In the end, I think the purchase has paid off, since I rarely fall behind on laundry anymore. It's the one household chore that I'm usually on top off. In fact, I am doing laundry right now while writing this blog post! The low, quiet hum of the washer located on the other side of the wall, from my computer, makes for the perfect white, pink or brown  noise ( I'm not sure which)  .. to lull my brain while writing.  Whenever I do find myself grumbling about doing laundry, I take myself back to the "laundromat days" and I pretty quickly get over my laundry funk.

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