We're on the couch. I'm trying to read. Liam is sitting on his Dad's head, saying over and over again, "I know you want me to sit on your head, Daddy, I know you do!" So, he does and below is a picutre of him doing just that. Killian is playing a game of chess, which should be nice and quiet, right? But, oh no, not in our house. He's giving us a play-by-play, which is excruciating painful since he doesn't know the rules of the game. It goes something like this:
"Mommy, look I'm playing chess, see the horsey jump over the other guy, but Daddy says he can't jump over that guy, but I like the king and his horsey. Mommy, are you really looking? I'm playing chess. Please looooook Mommy, please?" I was seriously contemplating poking my eyes out, or jumping off a cliff. I love these two bohemians, but I don't want to listen to them chatter on incessantly about NOTHING! Repeating everything at least twice.
It's Sunday. I'm mentally preparing for the week ahead... Deep breath while trying to find my inner peace by silently chanting, "serenity now, serenity now!" Because in the Sitton house we repeat everything at least twice! ...
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